Friday, June 17, 2016

Continuing Education From the National Academy of Sports Medicine

Noah Springer is a personal trainer certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). As a student at the National Personal Training Institute in Waltham, Massachusetts, he completed 200 hours each of nutrition training and hands-on personal training. Noah Springer and other trainers can find a number of continuing education options through NASM.

The academy offers several workshops and live educational events, including classes in personal fitness training, corrective exercise training, mixed martial arts conditioning, and sports performance training. It also provides a prep workshop for the Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) exam. NASM's calendar of live events provides information for these courses and other class options.

Individual courses offered by NASM can be bought and downloaded online and may include eBooks, videos, online exams, and other resources. Course options include mental toughness, resistance training, and positional isometrics, among others. Courses are also offered for training special populations such as seniors and youth.